Immune System

Despite what pharmaceutical lobbyists want you to believe, your number one defense against outside invaders is your immune system.

There are no vaccines for dozens of infectious diseases.

“A healthy immune system is the key to preventing infectious diseases. We are all exposed to millions of germs every day, and vaccines only cover a tiny fraction of one percent of those germs. So we must rely on our own immune system to fight off most potential infections.” Dr. Bob Sears

The immune system is compromised of two complimentary systems working together to fight off infections and keep you healthy.

Cell Mediated Immune System (CMIS)

The CMIS “is characterized by the activity of while blood cells.” It is a simple response that activates the ambulance response system. When a foreign substance is detected white blood cells get recruited to fight the infection. A foreign substance that might activate this alarm can be a virus, bacteria, fungi and toxic metals. (The majority of vaccine ingredients! as they are designed to create an immune response event.) The white blood cells either “eat” (engulf and digest) the invader or spray it with nitric oxide! (Who knew you had a pest controller in your body!) The next step is to eliminate the toxin. This is usually through the skin and respiratory tract (rashes, pox, fevers, mucus, sneezing and coughing). Interestingly, its the symptoms that we define as “sickness”, which is actually your bodies way of healing itself and eliminating the bad guys. 

Remember that white blood cell response is equivalent to elimination, which manifests as “sickness”.  Dr. Cowan explains that “We need a cell-mediated response to clear unwanted invaders from our bodies; that is how we are designed. When patients are unable to mount an effective cell-mediated response or when the cell-mediated response is thwarted with medicines such as prednisone, antibiotics, or antipyretics such as acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, the outcomes can be devastating.” 

Humoral Immune System

This type of immune system evolved when organisms began developing digestive tracts that made them more susceptible to larger invaders like parasites, worms and flukes. The invaders became too large to be successfully eaten and eliminated by the white blood-cell mediated response. 

The humoral response is characterized by the development of antibodies. Antibodies attach to the invader (via antigens/proteins) marking them for destruction by other cells. 

The Cell Mediated and Humoral Response Working Together

The cell mediated and humoral response work together to fight off invaders in the short and long term. Natural immunity stimulates an acute and vigorous response from the immune system. If for example you contract chickenpox, the CMIS eats, digests and eliminates the virus, over 7-10 days. Then the humoral system decodes the unique chickenpox antigen and forms antibodies. This takes 6-8 weeks, and prepares your body for future attacks, neutralizing the familiar invader. This generally creates lifetime protection. (Cowan) Measles on the other hand have a 2 week incubation period, where the person who contracted the virus remains unaware, yet by the time they begin getting “sick” antibodies are already detected in the blood and “the height of symptomology roughly coincides with the peak of the antibody  response.” Moscowitz reminds us that getting sick is the body’s way of expelling the virus from the blood stream. (9) 

This precise immune response has been intricatley developed over thousands and thousands of years. Interestingly, you can not bypass the cell-mediated immune response and create life long immunity. 

Vaccines are designed to accomplish “precisely what the whole immune mechanism has seemingly evolved to prevent, namely, granting bacteria, viruses, and other foreign antigens free and immediate access to bone marrow, spleen, liver, intestines, thymus, blood, and lymph nodes (i.e. the major internal organs of the immune system), with no reliable means of getting rid of them.”- Moscowitz

Vaccines and the 2-Step Immune Response 

There are many who question the effects and wisdom of disrupting the intricate design of the natural immune system. A vaccine changes the natural response of the immune system by, first, by-passing the cell-mediated immune response. This gives vaccine ingredients -toxins, metals, human and animal DNA, preservatives and antigens- unfettered access to vital organs and systems with no means of elimination. Multiple studies have shown that aluminum doesn’t get fully eliminated and ends up in brain tissue. Dr Cowan asks “If you inject a child with a toxin to provoke an antibody response and at the same time suppress the cell mediated response with acetaminophen, how will the body clear the toxin? A number of studies have shown that giving acetaminophen, aspirin, or the nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs at the time of the vaccine increase the risk of negative outcomes.” 

Second, the lack of elimination triggers a continual and ongoing humoral response. Moscowitz conjectures if doing so creates chronic infection. Many question if this is a contributing factor to the rise in autoimmunity diseases. “Autoimmunity is a situation in which, for unknown reasons, a person’s immune system has been activated to produce a excessive amount of antibodies, which react not only to a targeted virus but also to the body’s own tissue.” A 2009 study showed “autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune system by repeated immunization.” (Cowan, 28)

Yet, despite the overactive humoral response, vaccines don’t create life long immunity experienced with natural immunity. In fact they come far from it and are often associated with poorer overall health. They also don’t create benefits associated with training the natural immune system. 

“the growth, development, and maturation of a healthy immune system is accomplished mainly by learning how to mount such acute, vigorous responses to infection, and that the challenges of coming down with and recovering from illnesses of this type are the formative experiences by which this fundamental prerequisite of good health is achieved and maintained throughout life.” Dr. Moscowitz

NonSpecific Immunity, Training the Natural Immune System

A body of epidemiological literature captures the benefits of activating and training the immune system to overcome infections and invaders, “priming the system to respond acutely, vigorously, and in a concerted fashion to whatever other infections it may encounter in the future.”   Contracting childhood illnesses, like the chickenpox, mumps, rubella and measles that induce fever, have been shown to reduce autoimmune diseases (asthma, allergies, Crohns, IBS, T1 diabetes, and ITP), cancers (like ovarian cancer,  brain cancer,  breast, prostate, GI, lung and melanoma) and even cardiovascular disease. One study even showed a 76% reduction in adult cancers if they had four or more illnesses. 

“Childhood vaccine programs may be turning childhood immune systems inside out, with the humoral system being thrown into a dominant position for which it is physiological unsuited, while cellular immunity, lacking the challenges of minor childhood diseases of former times, may undergo progressive atrophy from disuse. Measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox challenged and strengthen the immunity of both epithelial and endsthelial tissues and their associated organs.” Dr Harold Buttram