
“Vaccines are safe and effective.”- CDC.

The Primary Adjuvant Used in Vaccines

Aluminum is added to vaccines to create a stronger immune response. Different types of aluminum are used in vaccines. Click here for more information.

Zero Safety Testing for Pediatric Populations

“To date, Al adjuvants per se have, perhaps surprisingly, NOT been subject to any official experimental investigation, and this being in spite of the well-established neurotoxicology of aluminum.” link

“The safety of Al adjuvants continues to rest on assumptions rather than scientific evidence. For example, nothing is known about the toxicology and pharmacokinetics of Al adjuvants in infants and children… yet… children continue regularly to be exposed to much higher level of Al adjuvants than adults, via routine childhood vaccination programmes.” link

Doses for Infants Exceed FDA Regulations

“On Day 1 of life, infants receive 17 times more aluminum than would be allowed if doses were adjusted per body weight.” Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology link.

“Current amounts of aluminum are not adjusted to body weight of an infant… At the current time, there are no known or published studies specifically defining levels of Al in any vaccine product based on safety studies of Al.” Link to study.

“The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) upper limit for aluminum in intravenous (IV) fluids for newborns is far lower at five micrograms per kilogram per day (mcg/kg/day)—and even at these levels, researchers have documented the potential for impaired neurologic development. For an average newborn weighing 7.5 pounds, the HepB vaccine has over 15 times more aluminum than the FDA’s upper limit for IV solutions.” link

“If infants were given 850 μg of aluminum (injected), the exposure would vastly exceed the only available CFR/FDA 4–5 μg/kg/day safety limit (Fig. 2).” link
*ug= mcg

How Aluminum Works

“The mechanism of action of aluminum, like for most adjuvants, is poorly understood, and widespread beliefs change according to continuous new insights into immunology and physiochemical properties of aluminum.”

Aluminum Vaccines

See above study here

Doctors frequently inject infants with over 1200mcg of aluminum at one office visit (2mo, 4mo, 6mo). Aluminum load will differ based on “shot/brand/combo dose” given. See here for possible options.

Aluminum containing vaccines: Hep A, Hep B, DTaP, Hib, PCV13, and HPV.

VaccineBirth2 months4 months6 months12months15 months9 yrs
Hep B xxx
Hep Ax

CDC’s One Aluminum Safety Study

Link  to 2017 critique

On CDC’s website, they link to one study, published in 2011 (over two decades after children have been given loads of Al in vaccines), as the grounds to prove aluminum in vaccines are safe for infants and their newly developing immune systems.

It might not be shocking to you to discover the study concluded that Al was safe and the benefits outweigh any “theoretical concerns.” However, it may be shocking to you to learn the details of the study. Dr. Mitkus et al., based their 2011 analysis on one study conducted in 2002, almost 20 years ago. The 2002 study used infused (not injected) Al citrate (not aluminum adjuvants found in vaccines) on adults (not babies). Meaning, proper patient population was NOT used; the proper Al ingredient was NOT used; and the proper route of exposure was NOT used. Vaccine Papers further critiques this study, “It is fatally flawed and incredibly bad. It is not based on any toxicity experiments with actual Al adjuvant. It ignores key studies that contradict the assumptions it is based on… Studies of ingested, soluble aluminum salts cannot establish the safety of Al adjuvant.” 

In 2017, top experts on the neurotoxins of aluminum, further rebuff the 2002 and 2011 studies, along with one other commonly cited study used by public health authorities to prove aluminum safety. The 2017 authors raise specific concerns about the studies’ validity and approach, using terms like “paucity” and “serious weakness”. 

The Mercury Mistake Repeated. A Repeat of the 90’s?

A decade after giving infants large doses of mercury, with little to no data on safety and cumulative dose, mercury was taken out of pediatric vaccines in the United States.

The amount of aluminum we inject into our babies, with zero safety studies, began to sharply increase at the end of the 1980’s to present day. The type of aluminum also changed.

The CDC states that the amount of aluminum injected into our children is so small that it has no significant impact on their health. They made the same comment about mercury in the 90’s. Recent studies on Aluminum, see below, have shown small doses can be more toxic. CDC also uses different routes of exposure, making comparisons inaccurate and irrelevant.

Recent studies published in peer review journals continue to challenge CDC’s safety assumption.

Peer Reviewed Aluminum Studies Sound the Alarm

Dr. Shaw showed that the aluminum adjuvant used in pediatric vaccines, given in two doses equivalent to human body weight ratio, created cognitive and motor deficits in mice. Link. 

Aluminum affects cellular processes: Al competes with magnesium for membrane transporters; disturbs calcium metabolism; increases oxidative stress; binds to the phosphate groups of nucleoside di‐ and triphosphates; and binds to metal‐binding organic compounds (amino acids) and membrane lipids (Kisnieriené 2015).

Al can accumulate in bone and brain tissue (Yokel 2000Malluc)

Al is a powerful neurological toxin that effects fetuses and embryos. (Reinke 2003).

“There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted. Experimental research, however, clearly show that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular… a risk for autoimmunity, long term brain inflammation and associated neurological conditions…” link.

Al crosses blood brain barrier, and affects cerebral blood vessels. (Chen 2008Sharma 2010).

Al found in Brain of Autistic Children, High levels of Aluminum concentrations have been found in the brain of autistic adults and children. (Mold 2017)

Inflammatory, “New evidence suggests that Al is entering the brain in ASD via pro-inflammatory cells which have become loaded up with aluminum i the blood and/or lymph, much as has been demonstrated for monocytes at injection sites for vaccines including flu adjuvants.” (Exley, et all, 2017 “Aluminum in the Brain Tissue.)

“The occurrence of myalgia and arthraligai, chronic fatigue and neurological disorders following multiple injections of aluminum containing vaccines against Hep B, tetanus and HPV has been reported in many countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Unite Kingdom, Italy, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Portugal and USA. link

Autoimmunity, “In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences.” Study in Current Medicinal Chemistry. link

BioPersistence of Aluminum, Al may stay indefinitely in the brain, which can generate a long-term immune response. “alum administration can cause CNS dysfunction and damage, casting doubts on the exact level of alum safety.” link

Small, Consistent Aluminum Doses May Be More Toxic, the CDC states that the amount of aluminum injected into our children is so small that it has no significant impact on their health. “Vaccines are safe and effective.”
A study published in Toxicology showed, “low, consistent doses were more neurotoxic than a single large dose.” The authors call for a reevaluation of Al safety in vaccines. link

Macrophages: The vehicle that takes aluminum to the brain, one year after injecting a mouse with aluminum adjuvant, it ended up in the brain via macrophages. This left French scientist concerned vaccinations. “Continuously escalating doses of this poorly biogradable adjuvant in the population may become insidiously unsafe, especially in the case of over immunization or immature/altered brain barrier.” link “Microglia activation is identified as a possible major cause of damage in numerous neurodegenerative illnesses, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as autism.” (thimerosal, 135)

Leading Scientists Sound the Alarm

Dr. Christopher Shaw, Dr. Romain Gherardi and Dr. Chrisotpher Exley all wrote letters to the directors of CDC, NIH and the FDA in 2017.

“I am an expert in the field of aluminum adjuvants and aluminum toxicity… I have written over 150 peer-reviewed scientific publications on this subject…more research on the role of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines and neurological disorders, including ASD, is essential and urgently required.” – Dr. Exley

“I am an expert in the field of aluminum adjuvants toxicity in humans and animal models… I have written 40 peer-reviewed scientific publications and one book on this subject. I strongly support the contention that aluminum adjuvants in vaccines may have a role in the etiology of autism… My view is founded on significant and burgeoning body of peer reviewed scientific evidence which makes the link between ASD and exposure to aluminum through vaccinations and other sources.”- Dr. Gherardi

“In children, there is growing evidence that aluminum adjuvants may disrupt developmental processes in the central nervous system and therefore contribute to ASD n susceptible children…it is my belief that the CDC’s claim on its website that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” is wholly unsupported.”– Dr. Shaw.

“I have seen the same cells that we will see at an injection site (from vaccination) carrying a cargo of aluminum into the brain tissue of individuals who died with autism… I am very prudent. I only put my neck on the guillotine when it is absolutely necessary. And that time is now.” – Dr. Exley, Keele University, UK

More scientists and doctors are concerned about the aluminum vaccine and autism connection. Read more here.